
Religious Education Program for Public School Students

Parish giving

Registration Form



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Religious education classes for public elementary school students whose families are registered members of this parish are held on Monday in the school building. Grades 1 to 5 meet from 4:00PM to 5:00PM, and grades 6 to 8 meet from 6:30PM to 7:30PM. Students need to register in the program each year. Tuition is listed on the registration forms. A calendar of classes is sent to all who have registered in the spring before classes resume in the month of September. Anyone who wishes to home school their child in religion must be registered in the program and receive materials from the parish program. The Director of Religious Education must approve any other supplemental materials used. Important, any student preparing for First Communion or Confirmation may not be home schooled that year. If a student has not yet received First Communion or Reconciliation and is past the age of a second grade, they will be included in the religious education program in the grade of their peers. They will also receive special instruction to prepare them to celebrate and receive these sacraments. If your child has special needs, please inform the school office at the time of registration.

Adult Faith Formation

Faith formation is a lifetime process which should not end upon being Confirmed. Throughout the year, the Director of Religious Education provides parishioners with several ways in which to enrich their faith and spiritual life. Participants in the studies and faith sharing communities have commented on how much they have enjoyed learning about their Catholic faith, and find themselves becoming closer to Jesus. These activities also provide a wonderful opportunity to get to know fellow parishioners and to start new friendships.