Monetary Donations

Monetary donations are gladly accepted for the following established funds:

Debt Reduction Fund, to help subsidize continued payments on the debt incurred during the renovation of St. Mary’s Church.

Capital Improvement Fund, to help subsidize continued updates and improvements to the church and rectory property.

Father Gluth Education Fund, this fund helps pay for the education of a child who wishes to attend St. Jerome School, but whose family does not have the financial means to do so.

Donations are also accepted  In Memory   of a loved one or to commemorate a  Special Occasion.

**If you would like to make a larger donation intended for a particular purpose, please consult the Pastor.

**We will gladly accept donations of stocks or bonds, please contact our parish Business Manager for more information.

Please remember the Parish of Our Lady of Hope in your will or estate plans.

All donations will be gratefully acknowledged and a tax receipt provided.