Rosary Altar Society

Open to all woman of the parish, the Rosary Altar Society encourages prayer, recitation of the Rosary and active service to the Church. The Rosary Altar Society meets once a month during the school year. Meetings begin with recitation of the Rosary, followed by a business meeting and refreshments. Society members lead the recitation of the Rosary on the first Saturday of the month. Other services to the parish include: care of altar linens and candles, and light housekeeping chores to keep the Sanctuary of the Church neat and clean. Proceeds from bake sales conducted several times each year help provide funds for holding special events such as: retreats, Days of Recollection, prayer services, and parties. New members are always welcome to join in the fellowship and very important work of this special community of parish women. Please call the rectory office if you would like to be a member. Consult the weekly bulletin for meeting dates and time.